Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Is this a routine...

I think that we may have inavertantly stumbled across a routine, my baby boy and I. There really does seem to be a pattern emerging from has previously felt like random feeding, playing and sleeping. I almost don't want to talk about it in case I jinx myself! It seems like the day has turned into feed for about half an hour, play for about an hour and then into noddy-land we go. He has been sleeping like a trouper at night time as well. Friday night was our record, he went nigh-nigh's at about 8.30, then I didn't hear a peep out of him until 2am. I even got up to check that he was still breathing. Every night since has had a big sleep as well. Mummy is loving getting big chunks of uninterrupted sleep too, although the boobs don't seem to appreciate it. I have taken to sleeping with a towel up my pj top because the the soft bra and breast pads were just getting way too annoying. A misplaced towel does cause a bit of a mess on the sheets though!

I have four weeks to go until I spend a whole weekend away from DS. All day Saturday and half of Sunday. DH has already informed me that he will be spending that night at my mum's house as he is scared that he won't wake up when the boy cries (he sleeps through everything now). I have been stocking up the freezer with milk so there is plenty to leave for them.

Healthwise, the past week has been interesting. Had DS to the GP on Friday with two swollen eyelids. Normally I am quite laidback as a mum, if I can find what I think is wrong in Babylove (my bible) I usually keep an eye on it but aren't too worried. The eyelid thing I couldn't find, so off we trotted. The GP said everything looked fine, and the Paed backed that up at our 6 week check on Monday so all is well. Then it was off to be weighed, and my chunky monkey is now 5kgs. I had a bit of a scare on Saturday, my 6 week old caesar started to hurt again, got a bit swollen and hot and pink. I ended up with antibiotics, but I can't believe that it got infected so long after the operation. DS also had his hip ultrasound on Friday to check them out after being breech, but I am pleased to say that everything is fine with them.

He has just woken up, must go and do mummy things!

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