Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Blame it on the rain

It has to be the weather.

When will my excuses stop? I constantly find myself trying to justify Bowen's bad behaviour.

He's tired. He can't be all the time!

He's teething. That has to stop now, his last two year old molar is through and I think's that it?

He's hungry. Eat son! It's not my fault you won't chow down on any of the delicious, healthy meal options I present to you, preferring to subsist on Vegemite and cheese sandwiches, with the odd bowl of Cheerios or biscuit for variety.He's hot.

He's cold. He wants to go for a walk. He wants to stay home. He's just Bowen!

I love him to death, but the two year old moods are really bringing me down. He's got a bit of a cold at the moment (there I go, excuses again!) and not feeling 100%, but why can't he be like a sick grown up and just chill out on the lounge watching TV and sleeping? I could even handle man-sick, that's a lounge bound sickness, but with more moaning. No, he's clingy, snotty, whiny toddler sick. The only good part is he sleeps for longer in the day...


Toilet Training Update

Toilet training is kind of happening. It would go much more smoothly if I didn't have to fight to get Bowen's nappy off him most of the time. He will have occasional flashes of brilliance, as he did on Saturday. It was a hot day, so he was running around with no clothes on, as we would all probably like to do when it's warm. Nan caught him starting to dribble from his old fella, and asked if he wanted a wee. Normally that's enough of a invitation for him to suck it back up for another hour, but this time he held on, trotted out to the grass, grabbed hold of his doodle and let rip! It was the cutest thing in the world, watching him watch himself wee. I was so proud, we all were, he got a resounding round of applause. Of course, seeing that praise was thick in the air, he grabbed my hand and dragged me over for a repeat performance. This time, however, I was in charge of doodle holding. I almost wet myself from trying to contain my laughter, he was so serious about the whole thing. He didn't do anything the second time, but I think we made a bit of a breakthrough, as I now know he likes to do it standing up. I'm going to get a Weeman to hang off the toilet so he can start going inside, instead of pretending that he's on a camping trip everyday!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lovin' my boys

I am just loving being a mummy at the moment. My boys could honestly not get any cuter. Everyday they are each learning new things, and amaze me more and more.

Bowen has been an angel this week (all two days of it) and constantly surprising me with the things he is saying and doing. We were cooking rock cakes yesterday morning and he spilt some flour on the floor. He hopped off his chair, made me get the dust pan and broom and he swept it all up! He's a neat freak, who knows where he gets it from. He notices little things that I never thought he would, corrects me when I am doing something wrong and has so many words even I am shocked when he comes out with a new one.

Riordan is just, for the most part, a dream baby. He puts himself to sleep with little or no fuss, is happy and smiley when he's awake and talks to himself like it's going out of fashion. Admittedly, he hasn't been himself these past few days, his sleeping through the night has been a little off, and while I am tempted to pass it off as a 'growth spurt', the all encompassing excuse for any of his 'off' behaviour, I took him to get Bowen Therapy today (not to be confused with Bowen, his brother! :D ). He was fine throughout it, a bit grizzly since he was starving hungry, but he came home and had a very big sleep for that time of day. Apparently it takes about a day for things to 'line up' again, but hopefully he will have his mojo back soon.

With babies as beautiful as this, I can't wait to have the next one!