Thursday, December 30, 2010
I'm a Woman
Just days short of Austin's 18 month anniversary of breasfeeding, my fertility has returned. In actual fact, I haven't had a period since the day before Bowen's 1st birthday, over 4 years ago. Before that, it was March 2005.
I think I've had a great run. I've been toying with the idea of contraception, not sure which way to go (the Pill, maybe a Mirena) but I wanted to get my period back, just to see when it would happen. To be honest, it's a bit sooner than I would have wanted!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Finding the time
He looked an angel, and I couldn't be prouder. Check out your Summer issue of My Child to see his pic (don't buy it, it's like $8.95, who pays that for a magazine? OK, I may have bought one, but my baby is in it!).
My boy still looks like an angel, but, boy, does he act like a devil sometimes! He is mostly a loving, gorgeous little soul, my honey bunny, but poor Austin is still on the receiving end of way too many unwanted 'horsey rides'.
And finally, he sleeps! 13-14 hours straight! It's as though he is paying me back for all the sleepless nights I have been through for the last two years over him, both while pregnant and as a newborn.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
There were four in the bed...
Riordan is snoring away beside me, and Bowen is mouth-breathing his night away on Daddy's side of the bed.
Ruby (on a security mission, as per Dazza's request, like she'd even bark if a stranger came into the yard, she'd rather stay under the covers, thank you very much) is curled up at Bowen's feet.
THIS is the reason we got a king-size bed, and I love it!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
13 months and counting...
Sleep for my 13 month old is still as crappy as ever. Austin wakes once a night, and only a boob will satisfy him. We did have two nights in a row of sleeping through and, of course, I thought he was cured, only to have the 3am snack request made the following night. I'm sort of hoping that his week with Big Nan, sans nipple, will see him kick the habit.
Austin is not walking, nor has any desire to. My big boys both had started by about now, but Austi is lagging behind. I'm happy for my baby to remain a baby for as long as he wants though! I'm not ready for him to be a toddler yet! He stands, and reaches to grab anything his pudgy little hands will let him, so he causes enough menace without the need to be a biped.
He still has the same laid-back personality that he's had most of his life. Not much annoys him, apart from Riordan. We can't wait for the day that he fights back when Riordan goes on the attack! Riordan is fiercely jealous of Austin most of the time, and while he loves him, he is finding it hard to establish his place in the family. Even Bowen is not coping exceptionally well with Austin growing up and becoming more of a 'person'. I have to sit and explain that he is only a baby, and doesn't necessarily mean it when tears one of Bowen's precious catalogues.
Austin is also forward facing in the car now! We made the switch last Saturday. He doesn't seem particularly fazed, he's happy either way, but it's nice to see his smiling face when I look in the rear-view mirror.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Austin's Birthday - A visual entry
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Quotes of the day
Umm, thanks Bowen.
"Mum, do cracks go to heaven?"
Huh? Another tricky one from Bowie-bear.
P.S. Congrats to Romana and her new gorgeous boy, Micah James!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Out Damn Snot!
I can't help but remember, as I listen for the text message, that 12 months ago it was me keeping people in suspense. My little Austin is almost 12 months. His first year has just passed by at warp speed.
The poor little soldier is also sick again. He is constantly getting upper respiratory tract infection. He has a sky-high temperature right now, and it's a measure of how sick he is that he let me feed him in front of the TV just before his last nap, and not sequestered in the darkness of his room, away from all distraction. I may have to do a bed shuffle tonight so I can sleep next to my precious boy and keep my eye on him.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
My Vow
I don't know how I manage to do it every time. I just want a little trim for the boys, I see the haircut looking all gorgeous in my head, and I describe it as best I can for the hairdresser, and yet they always emerge from the salon looking as though they lost a fight with the whipper-snipper.
I promise not to cut their hair for the rest of the year, just to see what happens, and if I'm going to do it for the boys, I may as well join in too, and not get any length cut off my hair for six months.
Monday, June 7, 2010
My exam went OK. I was more excited about feeling like a student again, walking through the UTS area of Sydney. In reality, I probably just looked like a 30 year old mum, but in my head I was 19 again, and a totally cool Arts student. I hate predicting how I might have gone in a test, but all I will say is that I am glad it was a limited open book test. It also showed me that I have to change my revision processes a little!
I've gone all herbal around the house. 'Natural' is my new middle name. I've always been a big vinegar fan for cleaning, I have a spray bottle with my own little mixed all-purpose spray, and a straight vinegar bottle for windows and stuff. I've bought soapnuts to wash with ( and I'm pleased to report that they seem to work! They are apparently great for cloth nappies, and keep them nice and clean with having to strip them (a task that I avoid like the plague). I'm experimenting with my own fabric softener, but that's still a work in progress.
It all started with my hair. I found a forum, just by mistake, called the Long Hair Community. My goal is to still get my hair to my waist, so I read with interest, trying to find any tips to get that length happening. It's all about the moisture, so my bathroom cabinet is now filled with jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, unrefined shea butter and cocoa butter. It makes it's way into my hair, and my skin is loving all the attention. I do a dry body brush before a shower (huddled in my bathroom, covered in goosebumps, freezing to death) and then smother myself in beautiful, natural moisturisers when I get out. I don't think my skin would be as dry if I didn't have to take such hot showers to keep myself warm, but hopefully the house will be heated satisfactorily soon. Slowly, all the chemicals are going to be out of my house...
Gosh, this was a me, me, me post! I didn't even mention what I did last week, something very out of character...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
From Bowen:
"Riordan, Mum's got her boobies out! Come and look!"
I was just getting dressed! I don't often roam about the house topless. I don't know what the big excitement was, they see them all the time. They used to drink from them!
Austin's also found his doodle! He was in the bath this afternoon (yes, this afternoon, he'd had about fourteen changes of clothes today, and it was cold, so I thought I may as well just put his jammies on him) and there it was. He was having a bit of a fiddle, then it was forgotten. As I was dressing him after, he was sitting on the change table, and I could see the light in his brain switch on as he remembered it, and he went for it again. He found his foot instead, realised it was the wrong thing to play with and kept searching, only to be rewarded with a little fondle.
Ahh, doodles, so many of them in this house!
I also got a peak at Riordan's photo's from the agency today:
I've kept this a bit hush hush, but we've signed Riordan up with an agency (very reputable, nothing starting with a 'B') and now I'm just waiting for him to pay off our mortgage in the next year or so. He's had one casting already, and he wasn't the most compliant child, but he looked gorgeous, in my humble opinion anyway!
Study awaits me! I feel a bit cold-ish. If I go into this exam with a brain fog I'll be mightily annoyed!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Catch up
Shame on me.
Uni work seems to take up most of my time, the session is nearing a close and I have one exam on Friday, which I should be studying for now, and the marks to get back on the assignment from last week. I've been getting good marks. I am super proud of myself, and then I think that these are courses meant for 18 year olds, and my head swiftly shrinks back down to size.
I've booked in to get my learner motorbike licence. I had visions of Darren and the boys taking off for weekends riding, and while that does sound nice, the whole house to myself in a testosterone free zone, I think I would like to go along sometimes. Be the cool 'riding mum'. It's been ages since I've been on a motorbike, the RTA says that as long as you can ride a pushbike you can do this course, so I'm hoping it comes back quickly enough.
The boys are going great guns. Austin is crawling properly, finally, after 4 months of his strange froggy-swimming style. He's got two teeth, and his top ones are cutting right now. He's an absolutely gorgeous little soul, and I am blessed to have him.
Riordan is a very headstrong little boy. He's the boss, he's always right and doesn't he let you know it! But, he's also gorgeous and loving and his spontaneous kisses just melt my heart.
Bowen is growing up at the speed of light. He's an expert at asking inappropriate questions, especially after listening to the news on the radio ('Why did the man die, Mummy?'). He's still my emotional boy, I don't think that will change.
There's my quick catch up for today. Thank goodness for open book exams, although I still have to write the notes to take into the exam! That'll be me for the day.
Sam xx
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
One of my favourite things
For all intents and purposes, they are perfectly presentable tracksuit pants. A dark marle grey with a pink accent. I wouldn't wear them on a special night out, but for preschool drop offs, and studying, they are ideal.
If I were 3 inches shorter.
You see, they are freakishly short. Soft, warm, comfortable, but ankle freezers. They sit just a little too high above my sneakers (and soon to be ugg boots, gotta be comfy when doing assignments!). Even my mum, for whom fashion is a foreign work, has told me to throw them out, and she bought them for me.
I just can't part with them. It would be wasteful, for one, plus they match a hoodie that have perfectly. They keep me warm, and happy.
Ooh, I've just thought of a new incarnation for them... pajama pants! That's it! With some nice fluffy, knitted bedsocks, my ankles won't get cold at all.
It's all about recycling...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Our own time-zone
OK, it was 8.30 on a school morning!
I truly don't know how I am going to cope with getting Bowen to Big School on time next year. 10am starts I can handle, 9am... we'll see!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
My Boring Life
My first thought was, "We could do that!"
My next thought was, "Oh, God, I'd have to keep the house tidy all the time if there were cameras around."
My next thought was, "Wait! Our life is soooo boring even my mum wouldn't tune in to watch!"
I lead a blessedly boring life. A typical day would see me waking too late, tearing around trying to feed and dress three children, hang washing out, do dishes and try and turn myself into something presentable enough to go out in public, then making various child-related car trips, or walks, and then sitting in front of the computer doing uni work (or blebbing around on Facebook, more likely). The afternoons are filled with more little-boy chaos, and then a night sitting, exhausted, watching a tiny bit of TV before going to bed and waiting for it all to start again. A point of interest might be my continuing night calls for Austin (he just doesn't seem to think that he can go a whole night without some delicious breastmilk), with me stumbling up the stairs at 5am for a feed.
There are no dramas. The only tears come from over-tired children. There is no intrigue. The only mystery of our lives is where do all Bowen and Riordan's shoes go? We buy them heaps and they are never to be found.
I am grateful that we are so mundane. I read about too many sick children, or families with tragic stories, and say thanks everyday that we are not part of their number.
When they need a TV show made about an everyday family, doing very everyday things, we're available!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Austin is cutting some teeth! Yippee! I thought I would have to have him fitted for some infant dentures soon. His two bottom ones are peeking through. I had my suspicions on Saturday when he managed to make his little gum bleed while he was having a drink, that would only happen if there was something hard trying to break it's way through. Sure enough, I was doing my daily dental check on him and there were those little lines on his gums.
He is cutting them like a dream, I can't attribute any typical 'teething' behaviour to them. Of course, the hacking cough that is part and parcel of his bronchitis pretty much negates everything else. Poor little soul, Bowen shared his chest infection with him, and he's not coping well with it. The carpet in his bedroom wore the contents of his tummy the other night, his evening feed, spag bol and beetroot (that won't stain the carpet, nooo) went everywhere. Mixed in with it all was so much phlegm that can't go anywhere but sit in his tummy. I feel so bad for him, but I can't do much to help him. He's been sleeping through a bit lately (the other night he went to sleep after a rough start at 8pm, and slept through until 8 the next morning!) now the weather is getting cooler.
School holidays are coming to a close, and we are going to attempt a McDonald's play session again today (I haven't ventured back alone since my last disaster). The boys are fighting like cats and dogs, with Riordan just in a terrible mood all the time. Everything is wrong, he always wants his own way and he can't always have it that way!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
What's cooking?
No more breast milk baking (although I did make some pikelets with some boob juice I had left over), this time it's all about leftovers.
I made a chocolate cake yesterday, a low-fat recipe that is cooked in the microwave (a trend that should never have gone away, I might have to search for a few more microwave cakes). It uses two egg whites, which leaves the question, what do you do with the yolks? Custard, of course!
I couldn't find a recipe for custard from scratch, but I knew roughly what to do, having made it a long, long time ago for a very unappreciative Riordan. I whisked up the yolks with some sugar and vanilla, added milk and heated it all up. So far, so good. I thought it needed a bit more substance, even though it was thickening up nicely. In went some couscous for a lovely, creamy, vanilla-y pudding! Austin thought it was quite delectable, and there is some scrummy left overs for tonight.
The big people had some honey mustard chicken with rice for dinner, and I purposely cooked too much rice so I could make something, anything, for Austin with it. It needed to be firm enough for him to pick up and feed himself (we're still doing baby-led solids for the most part), so I thought some rice balls, loosely based on arancini . Once again, my recipe books failed me, so I had to wing it. In went some grated carrot, an egg, some ricotta, a little plain flour, a tiny bit of onion and some kidney beans (Austi's newest craze). I rolled them in bread crumbs, sprayed with a little olive oil and baked them until they were firm. I then made him a simple tomato sauce with just a tin of tomatoes, some onion, more kidney beans and a touch of sugar to take away the acidity, and then blitzed it all up and cooked it until it was nice and thick. Austin thought it was divine, and hoovered up three balls the size of his fist. Not the tidiest meal, there was tomato everywhere, but he loved it and it is expanding his palate.
Next on the cooking list is going to be some polenta.
Baby Masterchef, now that's an idea for a TV show!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Boobie Cake
First, I made a cake with breastmilk! I was talking about doing with my friend, Romana, not quite seriously, then I had a bit of a Google and found actual recipes with breastmilk as an ingredient in baking! I ended up just doing a recipe from the NMAA cookbook for a simple orange cake, and substituted the regular milk with boob juice. I haven't made the cake before, so I don't know what it's like with cow's milk, but it's OK with breastmilk.
I really thought it would be some magic ingredient that would turn an ordinary recipe into something truly special, but it's more like using skim milk. It doesn't taste any different, as far as I can tell, but maybe it will have special powers or something and never go off?
I feel really subversive doing it. The boys think that any cake is great, especially one with icing, but Darren doesn't really like cake so he's not going to give it a second glance. Oh well, more goodness for me!
My next milky recipe will be some savoury pikelets for Austin, he always appreciates my cooking.
I did something last night I thought I never would. I became a 'joiner'. I am now on the Parent Committee at Bowen's preschool. I just felt so sorry for them, the meeting had already been cancelled once due to lack of interest, and it's not that much work. It's only a tiny preschool, but it's one that I plan on sending all the boys to, and I'll get to meet some other mums and get involved a bit more.
As it's Darren's nightshift week, I had to take the three boys with me last night. I thought there would be other kids, but they were the only ones! They had a great time playing with Miss Bev for two hours, although I felt very guilty for making her come just for us.
Samantha Pearce: Full-time mother, part-time student, casual worker. Exhausted.
Friday, March 19, 2010
All about Austin
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Hysterical Pregnancy!
This is classic Riordy-grumpy face. The furrowed brow, ready to launch into protest.
Friday, March 12, 2010
More Wedding piccies
I had some leakage issues. Actually, it wasn't so much leakage as overspray. My forceful letdown still freaks Austin out sometimes, and he likes to get a breather. I mostly wear what he doesn't drink!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Leaving home
Friday, February 26, 2010
Looking good
I went to bed looking like I had rolled around in the dirt with the boys, and, of course, Austin gave me a few wake up calls through the night. He ended up with his head smushed against my boob, lying in the crook of my arm, for quite some time as we both fell asleep. When we got up this morning, I first noticed that my arm had a big patch of tan missing. Then I looked at his arm...
Then I looked at his face...
Does he remind you of anyone?
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Power of Pork
"What did you do, babe?" I enquired.
"I trod on a stick. I need some cold ham."
Umm, OK. That's not too strange a request considering I was making ham and cheese sandwiches. What was strange was where he put the requested ham...right on his sore foot!
"Would you prefer an ice pack on that Bowie?"
"No, this will do."
The ham went with him outside, back in to the kitchen, pressed against his bandaid. Up at the table he sat, the ham gently resting under his foot on the footrest of his Stokke chair.
"Are you going to eat that ham now Bowen?"
"Nope, I'm not finished with it yet!"
Ahh, the healing powers of pork products!
Note: For the record, he didn't eat the ham! He graciously left it on the chair for me to throw out. That's my boy.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Musical Beds
Riordan changes his mind every sleep. Top bunk, bottom bunk, back to the top. I just ask him now as our pre-bedtime routine. Bowen sometimes enjoys a sleepover in Riordan's room, when he's not luxuriating in his queen size bed, replete with Crusty Demons doona cover. (He's such a man about sleeping in it too. When I sleep in a big bed by myself, I stay on the edge, neatly tucked beneath the blankets. I barely have to make it. When Darren, or either of the boys, sleep in a bed it's straight to the middle, covers pushed to the side or bunched up in the centre, with everything looking like a bomb has hit it in the morning). Just to complicate things further, when Bowen had his extended sleep over at Big Nan's the other week, Riordan slept in his bed!
I'm hoping one day that Austin and Riordan will want to share a room, and that we can turn the 4th bedroom into a study, or storeroom. It's smaller than the others, with no built-in, and I just know that who ever has to sleep in there will think they have the short end of the stick!
We get the house raised back up and stabilised tomorrow, which means that I can start planning the decorating of the boys rooms. I'm thinking really bright citrus colours. I'm not sure about the trim, we have stained timber, but I'm not sure if I want to keep it or not. I change my mind every day. I definitely want new doors (and have to sort that out before I resign from work, *wink wink*) and new carpart, and new built-ins. I'm quite excited about the project, perhaps not the painting itself, but the finished products!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
The Aftermath
I had wanted to do some groceries before I picked up my boy, as doing most things with only two little men is usually much easier, especially when one is strapped to my chest. Bowen just really, really wanted to see his little brother, so we grabbed him first. Big mistake. The crying that would have been the result of saying no to Bowie would have been much easier to cope with. They ran riot. The combination of over-tiredness (Riord wouldn't have a sleep at school, the only low point of his day), excitement in seeing his brother and the amazing acoustics (to a two year old) of the shopping centre resulted in them running wild, in a way that they normally never do. I was pretty embarrassed, all the reverse psychology in the world didn't work, and all my efforts to contain them were hampered by Austin hanging, albeit serenely, off my chest! We eventually bought the two essential things that I came in for, and got the flock out of there.
Things didn't improve at home. Riordan was past the point of tiredness that lets you sits quietly; he was manic. The fights and dramas eventually culminated in him weeing, yes, weeing, on the doors that lead downstairs. I hit the roof, took him upstairs for a bath, and gave him one more chance to behave (because I am really a sucker for his long-lashed eyes). He quietly sat on the lounge, watching some drivel on the TV just to calm down. Things got very quiet, and I went for a peep to discover this...
He was absolutely exhausted, and it was only 5.45pm! That's what a big day of playing will do to you. I just left him, knowing that he would probably not surface again. He did stir, and came and sat on my lap for another sook. He flopped to the floor in a huff, got very quiet again and this is how he ended up.
He went to bed for good after that, and didn't surface again until 8 this morning.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Another one bites the dust
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
A Sense of Relief?
It has been niggling at me for some time now, feelings of jealousy when I see mixed sex families (that's a weird label Sam!), and irritation when people ask if I am 'going back for a girl'. But now, totally gone. I will happily live out my life indulging in my love of all things pink by buying lovely birthday presents for little girl friends, and lots of girly stuff for myself.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Scratching the itch
I've gone out and gotten myself a job, bizaarely enough. I have no intention of going back to my old work. I'm afraid the doors will have to count themselves in the future. I've enrolled in my conveyancing course, and it starts at the end of the month. I'm a bit nervous about it, and how I'm going to fit it all in. My new job (although I hardly think it could be called that!) is working at game days at CUA stadium, home ground of the Penrith Panthers. I was just looking for something that would get me out and earning some 'flash cash' to put towards all the renovations we want to do around here, and 'Merchandise Attendent' seemed to fit the bill. It's only every fortnight or so, so it's not like every weekend is going to be consumed with work, and quite a few of the games are at night, so there isn't any need to rely on anyone else for childcare.
I also think I've found Riordan a preschool to attend one day a week. The boys are a little like twins at the moment, neither of them knows a life without the other, and miss each other desperately when they aren't together. We started Playgym last week, which my little man took to straight away, but I really think that he needs the chance to interact with other kids without Mummy or Bowen around. I'll have a look around tomorrow and if I like the looks of it I'll pick up an application form.
Toilet training is coming along so well. Today Riordy had his first poo accident for days. He's pulling down his own pants when he wants to go, and then pulls them right back up again! I still remind him if it's been a while, and I think I'll be doing that for some time yet, but something in his brain jus clicked over the past week or so. Even though he's been able to wee when he wants for months and months, before Austin was even born, it's like he's only just started to recognise when he needs to go.
Austin has passed the seven month mark. He's started to crawl, if you could call it that. He does all his baby yoga, plenty of downward dog action and some squats, but the way he actually propels himself forward is so different to his brothers. They both started going backwards first, then gradually, at around 8 months, started properly cross-crawling. Austin kind of throws himself forwards. Imagine a frog, swimming in a creek. Their arms stretch forwards, and their legs come up behind them, kind of in a breaststroke. Replace the frog with a soft, gooey little boy and the creek with some pretty tragic carpet (which I obviously didn't pick) and you might get the idea. It's hilarious, and I've taken plenty of video of it.
Bowen must have needed some alone time last week. The stresses of being an older brother obviously had gotten to him. Thursdays are the boy's usual sleep over night at Nanny's. Friday nights usually see one of them stay over, and this week it was Riordan who desperately wanted to be home with Mummy. Bowen usually can't stay away from me for much longer, so I was expecting him home all day Saturday, but no, he wanted to stay at Big Nanny's still. Even Sunday, when he should have been pining for Mummy, he chose to go grocery shopping with Mum and Nan over coming home! Even then he was asking if Mum was going to work the next day (his little code for asking to stay over) and acting all disappointed when Mum said she was! I have to admit, I felt a little put out that he didn't want to be at home, but I can understand how nice it would have been to have all the attention aimed squarely at him. Maybe I should ask for a sleep over this Thursday...
Friday, January 29, 2010
Back to the Blogosphere!
We've been doing Baby Led Weaning (but I like to call it Baby Led Solids as it takes away the breastfeeding connotation). It's been going fantastically. Austin will try anything, and absolutely loves mango, hummus, watermelon, sweet potato and chicken. I have no idea how much he is eating. His poos have changed, so I know that something is getting down even though it looks like all the food ends up on the floor. Here is Austin having some chicken schnitzel.